Name: Trveor Campbell

Age: 20

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Height: 5'0 (152cm)

Race: Demon

Eye color: Aqua

Hair color: Bright Red

Occupation: Culinary Student

Relatives: None

Trevor has a heart of gold and gentle demeanor. He would do anything for a friend, even at the expense of himself. He can't bear the idea of hurting another person's feelings, and will actively beat himself up if he so much as thinks he slighted someone even in the smallest of ways. He beats himself up quite often actually, and lacks basic self worth. He’s described by others as a bit of a chatterbox with much to say, but he has a knack for keeping the conversation interesting despite which. He also has a knack for cooking, and is taking classes in culinary work.
In the story, he is Callum’s roommate and friend of the Monroe sisters. He was born to two humans and was promptly put up for adoption for being a demon. He never received much love as a young child, so he tries to give others the care he never received. Despite his rough upbringing, he always looks for the good in people, and believes everyone is a kind person at heart.