Name: Callum Röttwell

Age: 21

Gender: Male (He/Him FTM)

Height: 5’9 (175cm)

Race: Angel

Eye color: Deep blue

Hair color: Pink with black roots

Occupation: Former temple boy

Relatives: Darrin Röttwell (father)

Callum tends to keep to himself and rarely enjoys the company of others. His social skills are rather lacking, and is described as cold and aggressive by those he’s interacted with. If he feels a certain way, he’ll say it bluntly without a regard for what others may feel. He thinks the world is out to get him and everyone around him is only nice to him out of obligation. He hates being an angel, so he often lies to others, claiming he’s a human.
He is the protagonist of the story and it follows him navigating the city of Starhaven. Reasons he moved there are not very clear in the beginning, but it is implied he had an unfortunate way of life beforehand. It is also implied he lacks much social experience with demons, and therefore treats them with little respect.
His ignorant nature and the way he treats others will be his downfall throughout the events of the story.