Game description

“I can give you that which you desire most. Your humanity.” This was all that was promised to Callum Röttwell in the mysterious email he received out of the blue one day. It was enough though for him to uproot his life and travel to the city of Starhaven to start anew. As an angel from a small town, he has to adapt quickly and learn how to interact with those he's never encountered before- demons. Especially since he must share a bedroom with one in a cramped apartment. Throughout this journey, Callum will meet many characters, explore the city of Starhaven, and dive deeper into what that strange email entails for him. But he must be wary, for his goddess is watching closely.


Divine Doubt is the newest Meatpie project that is currently in development! It began its production in April 2023 and has been worked on ever since. It’s being made in RPG Maker MV and will be released on Steam and Itchio as a free game. The timeframe for release is completely undetermined at the moment, but there is a demo out right now which shows off the beginning of the story.
The gameplay will consist of mostly dialogue and exploration with bits of puzzle solving here and there. It will has a completely original soundtrack which is a first for a Meatpie game. It also has a larger production team than previous projects. It’s worth noting as well that Callum will be the first non silent Meatpie protagonist besides Emma in Turtle Head Unmasked.